The Mobility ImPACT on Transport Workers (MIPACT) project aims to support the implementation of key principles regarding the posting of workers. It focuses on funding initiatives that enhance the correct application of Directive 96/71/EC and Directive (EU) 2018/957, as well as the enforcement of Directive 2014/67/EU. A research project will be developed to analyze the impact of the mobility package on the posting of transport workers, particularly truck drivers. Interactive infographics will be created, both in printed and digital formats, providing information and advice on the new law and the challenges it poses. Sticky notes, stickers, and QR codes will be used to facilitate access to useful information and support contact details. The digital infographics will feature clickable fields to direct users to points of interest.




Επιστημονικά Άρθρα


The POSTCARE 2.0 Project is an initiative supported by the European Union, involving collaborative efforts from Greek partners along with Public and Private Organizations and Associations from Poland, Spain, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Lithuania, and Serbia. The primary focus of the project is to address and analyze the challenges faced by assisted caregivers who have been displaced from third countries, with a specific emphasis on the evolving landscape of healthcare in Europe. This initiative also aims to explore the regulatory changes that have transpired in recent years, significantly impacting the caregiving sector.

One of the pivotal objectives of the POSTCARE 2.0 Project is to enhance awareness regarding the responsibilities of employers and the rights of caregivers providing personal welfare services. The project seeks to shed light on the rights of posted workers within the professional care sector, aiming to identify and address various issues plaguing the field.

Additionally, the project aims to address challenges related to the specific functions of caregivers, which at times may involve a combination of caregiving and domestic chores. Another key aspect of the initiative involves establishing clear criteria for working hours, recognizing the importance of defining and regulating these aspects to enhance the overall efficacy and quality of care services.

Project Results

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Improving Education Sector Workers’ Involvement in Decision-making

Project Short description: The project “Improving Education Sector Workers’ Involvement in Decision-making” aims at enhancing participatory procedures which will result in sharing best practices among education sector workers’ and increase their engagement in decision-making. The project aims will be achieved in three dimensions – local and regional raising-awareness activities, international networking opportunities for social partners. The partners will then exchange best practices and cooperate to in the future including in frames of the new partnership agreements signed during this project. The project will guarantee administrative cooperation of the partners from four different regions of Europe.


Project Short description: “Transposition” is a 20-month project implemented in the framework of DG Employment. The project addresses the challenges concerning the posting of workers in the framework of the transnational provision of services. The project that will be implemented in 9 countries, targets the workers, companies and social partners of transport. The strategic objective is to improve effectiveness of implementation of EU Posting of Workers Directive and its Enforcement Directive and the higher involvement of social partners and the workers of transport sector in the discussion on the revision of EU Posting of Workers Directive within EU Member States achieved until the closure of the project. The expected outputs are the creation of an Open Educational Resources, trainings and seminars in order to improve knowledge of posted workers and the employers on their duties and rights.

GIC Economy

Project Short description: “GIC Economy” is an 18-month project implemented in the framework of DG Employment. As the most important industry for the European economy, the automotive industry should lead the processes of adaptation of worker participation mechanisms in order to ensure that worker’s voice is heard and their interests are reflected in decisions taken by the companies. The project targets also employers of automotive industry, who will actively participate in elaboration of the action plan. Their involvement will guarantee strong feasibility of the elaborated solutions within automotive sector. Union density in the automotive sector is usually well above the national average and that for manufacturing.


Project Description: MOBILEurope overall goal is in line with the general objective of this call, because MOBILEurope will promote analysis and research on industrial relations, at EU level as well as in comparative terms (identifying convergences and differences in the industrial relations systems in place in the EU Member States and in Candidate Countries), thereby contributing and promoting exchange of information and experience among the parties actively involved in industrial relations, with the aim of contributing to developing and reinforcing industrial relations structures in Europe. Thus the final result of cross-border research will be country specific comparative study, which should provide evidence-based data on ongoing trends in 6 EU Member States and Candidate countries with specific and different industrial relations and to provide recommendations and concussions for further theory and practice in Europe.

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